
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

M. Schuss:
"Aerogel and Vacuum Insulation";
Keynote Lecture: Colloquium on internationalization and cross-country collaboration, TU Brno, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno, Czech Republic; 2019-11-04.

English abstract:
- Motivation
- Aerogel
- Aerogel - fleece
- Aerogel - granulate
- Aerogel - boards
- Test fields - Röfix
- Test fields - TU Wien
- Hygro-thermal behaviour
- Structured test fields
- Agelfa project
- Conclusion & Acknowledgements (AGELFA)
- Project Goals
- Project Details
- Method > Demo Sites
- Demo Sides
- Method > Simulation models
- Method > Selected strategies
- Results
- Conclusion
- Coventry Demo Side - John Laing Building

German abstract:
(no german kurzfassung)
- Motivation
- Aerogel
- Aerogel - fleece
- Aerogel - granulate
- Aerogel - boards
- Test fields - Röfix
- Test fields - TU Wien
- Hygro-thermal behaviour
- Structured test fields
- Agelfa project
- Conclusion & Acknowledgements (AGELFA)
- Project Goals
- Project Details
- Method > Demo Sites
- Demo Sides
- Method > Simulation models
- Method > Selected strategies
- Results
- Conclusion
- Coventry Demo Side - John Laing Building

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.