
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

M. Schuss:
"Sustainable building concepts";
Keynote Lecture: Colloquium on internationalization and cross-country collaboration, TU Brno, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno, Czech Republic (invited); 2019-11-06.

English abstract:
- Passive house
- Schiestlhaus - First "passive house" alpine hut
- Zeroe Energy building (ZEB)
- Nearly net zero energy building (nnZEB)
- Plus Energy House
- Mont Blanc - Energy autarkic building
- Monte Rosa alpine hut - A nearly energy autarkic building
- "Sonnenhaus" - concept
- Solar Design
- Sun houses of Konrad Frey
- Acknowledgement
- Dachstein - Krippenstein

German abstract:
(no german kurzfassung)
- Passive house
- Schiestlhaus - First "passive house" alpine hut
- Zeroe Energy building (ZEB)
- Nearly net zero energy building (nnZEB)
- Plus Energy House
- Mont Blanc - Energy autarkic building
- Monte Rosa alpine hut - A nearly energy autarkic building
- "Sonnenhaus" - concept
- Solar Design
- Sun houses of Konrad Frey
- Acknowledgement
- Dachstein - Krippenstein

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.