

R. Taschner, P. Gauss, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Biocompatible photoinitiators based on poly‐α‐ketoesters";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 58 (2020), 2; S. 242 - 253.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Migration of photoinitiators and their photoproducts are a major problem when it comes to food packaging or applications in the medical sector. Frequent coincidence with leachables and humans can be problematic, especially over time. Therefore, a new class of biocompatible photoinitiators, the aliphatic α‐ketoesters, were selected to be immobilized. Biocompatibility and low leaching were achieved using the metabolite α‐ketoglutaric acid. Immobilization of the photoinitiator is obtained via a macromolecular or copolymerizable approach.

biocompatible photoinitiators, the aliphatic α‐ketoesters, food packaging, medical sector

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