
Contributions to Proceedings:

D. Lu, P. Moreno-Sanchez, A. Zeryihun, S. Bajpayi, S. Yin, K. Feldman, J. Kosofsky, P. Mitra, A. Kate:
"Reducing Automotive Counterfeiting usingBlockchain: Benefits and Challenges";
in: "2019 IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (DAPPCON)", issued by: IEEE; IEEE Computer Society, USA, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-7281-1264-0, 39 - 48.

English abstract:
Counterfeiting constitutes a major challenge incurrent supply chains leading to millions of dollars of lostrevenue for the involved parties every year. Hardware-based au-thentication solutions built upon physically unclonable functions(PUF) and RFID tags prevent counterfeiting in a multipartysupply chain context. Unfortunately, these solutions cannotprevent counterfeiting and duplication attacks by supply chainparties themselves, as they can simply equivocate by duplicatingproducts in their local and unique activity ledger.In this work, we study the benefits and challenges of usingdistributed ledger technology (or blockchain) to prevent coun-terfeiting even in the presence of malicious supply chain parties.In particular, we show that the provision of a distributed andappend-only ledger jointly governed by supply chain partiesthemselves, by means of a distributed consensus algorithm,makes permissioned blockchains such as Hyperledger Fabric apromising approach towards mitigating counterfeiting. At thesame time, the distributed nature of the ledger also possessesa privacy challenge as competing supply chain parties strive toprotect their businesses from the prying eyes of competitors.Additionally, we show our efforts to build a blockchain-basedcounterfeiting prevention system for automotive supply chains,albeit the lessons learned are seamlessly applied to other supplychains. From our experience, we highlight two lessons: (i)the requirement of adding identities other than supply chainentities themselves to facilitate the tracking of goods; and (ii)the challenges derived from privacy enforcement in such apermissioned scenario. We thus finalize this work with a set ofchallenges that need to be overcome to achieve the best of bothworlds: a solution to the counterfeiting problem using distributedledger technology while providing the privacy notions of interestfor supply chain parties.Index Terms-Blockchain, supply chain, privacy, access con-trol, Hyperledger Fabric

Automotive; Benefits; Blockchain; Reducing; Counterfeiting

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