

R. Stadlmayr, P. Szabo, D. Mayer, C. Cupak, T. Dittmar, L. Bischoff, S. Möller, M. Rasiński, R. Wilhelm, W. Möller, F. Aumayr:
"Sputtering of Nanostructured Tungsten and Comparison to Modelling with TRI3DYN";
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 532 (2020), S. 1520191 - 1520199.

Kurzfassung englisch:
He-induced nanostructured tungsten (so-called W-fuzz) was bombarded with Ar ions under 60 and the
dynamic erosion behaviour was experimentally investigated. By using a highly sensitive quartz-crystalmicrobalance
technique in a particle catcher configuration, the sputtered particles distribution ofW-fuzz
could be evaluated. In contrast to a flat sample, where sputtered particles are emitted primarily in forward
direction, we find that W-fuzz samples emit sputtered particles preferably in backward direction
(i.e. in the direction of the incident ion beam). After continuous Ar irradiation of a W-fuzz sample the
distribution approaches that of a flat sample. In addition to experimental data we also show modelling
results obtained with a state-of-the-art Monte-Carlo (MC) binary collision approximation (BCA) code
TRI3DYN in full 3D. Surface morphology changes as monitored by SEM as well as the dynamic sputtering
behaviour can be well reproduced by the full 3D MC-BCA code.

Erosion Quartz-crystal-microbalance TRI3DYN Surface roughness Sputtering Nanostructured tungsten W-fuzz

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