
Contributions to Proceedings:

S. Dustdar:
"Edge Intelligence - The Co-evolution of Humans, IoT, and AI";
in: "Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security, IoTBDS 2020", G. Wills, P. Kacsuk, V. Chang (ed.); SciTePress, 2020, (invited), ISBN: 978-989-758-426-8, 5.

English abstract:
Edge AI and Human Augmentation are two major technology trends, driven by recent advancements in edge computing, IoT, and AI accelerators. As humans, things and AI continue to grow closer together, systems engineers and researchers are faced with new and unique challenges. In this talk, we analyse the role of Edge computing and AI in the cyber-human evolution and identify challenges that Edge computing systems will consequently be faced with. We take a closer look at how a cyber-physical fabric will be complemented by AI operationalisation to enable seamless end-to-end Edge intelligence systems.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.