
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

R. Ganhör, P. Fikar, F. Güldenpfennig:
"Interactive Play and Modern Media Tools";
Talk: Workshop "Toys and the TV" in conjunction with th ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences 2020, Barcelona (Online due to COVID-19); 2020-06-17; in: "IMX 2020: Toys & the TV", BBC Research & Development, https://www.dropbox.com/s/1sxa5h4hbydiw5x/Toys and TV Workshop-RomanGanhor.docx?dl=0 (2020), 3 pages.

English abstract:
While television can be educational for a viewer, television also tends to turn a viewer into a passive mood. This is especially true (and sad) for children who are fascinated by screens of all sorts. We think that playful interactivity not only could overcome the passivity we now can observe, but also can support the complex process of learning. TV producers have a long experience in creating stories the suit children, however, it seems we need tools and standards to overcome the traditional linear and single directed (producer to consumer) way of story-telling.

The contribution to the workshop stems from the insight we gained not only during a year-long research project with disabled children and how to motivate them to participate in interactive play by the means of modern media tools.

German abstract:
While television can be educational for a viewer, television also tends to turn a viewer into a passive mood. This is especially true (and sad) for children who are fascinated by screens of all sorts. We think that playful interactivity not only could overcome the passivity we now can observe, but also can support the complex process of learning. TV producers have a long experience in creating stories the suit children, however, it seems we need tools and standards to overcome the traditional linear and single directed (producer to consumer) way of story-telling.

The contribution to the workshop stems from the insight we gained not only during a year-long research project with disabled children and how to motivate them to participate in interactive play by the means of modern media tools.

HCI, interactive media, children, disabled

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.