

A. Corella, M. Quincampoix, V.M. Veliov:
"Strong bi-metric regularity in affine optimal control problems";
Research Reports (Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Statistics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, Operations Research and Control Systems), 2020-07 (2020), 07; 20 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The paper presents new sufficient conditions for the property of strong bi-metric regularityof the optimality map associated with an optimal control problem which is affine with respectto the control variable (affine problem). The optimality map represents the system of first orderoptimality conditions (Pontryagin principle), and its regularity is of key importance for thequalitative and numerical analysis of optimal control problems. The case of affine problemsis especially challenging due to the typical discontinuity of the optimal control functions. Aremarkable feature of the obtained sufficient conditions is that they do not require convexity ofthe objective functional. As an application, the result is used for proving uniform convergenceof the Euler discretization method for a family of affine optimal control problems.

optimal control, metric regularity, affine problems, Euler discretization

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