
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

C. Berger, A. Mahdavi:
"Integrating building science and performance simulation in architectural curricula: "The case of the IMPAQT project"";
Talk: 1st Local workshop in Hungary - IBPSA Danube Affiliate, Budapest, Hungary; 2019-11-29.

English abstract:
- Project IMPAQT
- GAP Analysis
- Development of the curriculum
- 5-year undergraduate curriculum
- Building technology track
- Building physics I and II
- The performance simulation integration

German abstract:
- Project IMPAQT
- GAP Analysis
- Development of the curriculum
- 5-year undergraduate curriculum
- Building technology track
- Building physics I and II
- The performance simulation integration

Related Projects:
Project Head Ardeshir Mahdavi:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.