
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

A. Mahdavi:
"On the global planetary crisis: are buildings the solution?";
Talk: Master Modul Emerging Fields in Architecture, Online via ZOOM (invited); 2020-10-07.

English abstract:
- Life in the architecture/buildings conference circus
- Sustainable architecture discourse: The usual suspects
- New versus existing
- Reboung effect
- Predicted heating loads for 7 retrofit projects
- Predicted heating loads for 7 retrofit projects versus monitored values (2009/2010)
- Sealing rate in Austria Landversiegelungsrate Österreich
- A global assessment
- Historical World Population
- Annual meat production in tonnes
- With reference to the footprint of babies born in 1960, projected footprint of babies born in 2015 is xxx higher...
- The global impact equation

German abstract:
- Life in the architecture/buildings conference circus
- Sustainable architecture discourse: The usual suspects
- New versus existing
- Reboung effect
- Predicted heating loads for 7 retrofit projects
- Predicted heating loads for 7 retrofit projects versus monitored values (2009/2010)
- Sealing rate in Austria Landversiegelungsrate Österreich
- A global assessment
- Historical World Population
- Annual meat production in tonnes
- With reference to the footprint of babies born in 1960, projected footprint of babies born in 2015 is xxx higher...
- The global impact equation


Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.