Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):
W. Auzinger, A.A. Kytmanov, S.P. Tsarev:
"A Study of Anomalies in GPS Time Series via Polynomial Filtering";
Keynote Lecture: XV International Scientific and Technical Conference Computer Science and Information Technologies, Zbarazh-Lviv, Ukraine,
Lviv (invited);
- 2020-09-26; in: "Ieee Csit 2020",
- 178.
English abstract:
For the purpose of analyzing discrete time series, in particular originating from GPS or GLONASS coordinate measurements, we discuss an approach based on linear polynomial filtering. By expanding the given data set in terms of a (discrete) orthogonal polynomial basis it is possible to detect and analyze outliers from an expected smooth progression. Several aspects of this approach are discussed and illustrated via numerical experiments based on available measurements. We also consider a potential alternative approach based on (non-orthogonal) discrete Chebyshev polynomials.
GPS time series anomalies, satellite ephemerides, discrete orthogonal polynomials, Hahn polynomials, polynomial filtering
Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.