

R. Stadlmayr, P. Szabo, H. Biber, H. Koslowski, E. Kadletz, C. Cupak, R. Wilhelm, M. Schmid, C. Linsmeier, F. Aumayr:
"A high temperature dual-mode quartz crystal microbalance technique for erosion and thermal desorption spectroscopy measurements";
Review of Scientific Instruments, 91 (2020), S. 1251041 - 1251049.

Kurzfassung englisch:
An improved quartz crystal microbalance measurement method is described, which allows us to determine erosion, implantation, and release
rates of thin films, during changing temperatures and up to 700 K. A quasi-simultaneous excitation of two eigenmodes of the quartz resonator
is able to compensate for frequency drifts due to temperature changes. The necessary electronics, the controlling behavior, and the dual-mode
temperature compensation are described. With this improved technique, quantitative in situ temperature-programmed desorption measurements
are possible and the quartz crystal microbalance can be used for quantification of thermal desorption spectroscopy measurements with
a quadrupole mass spectrometer. This is demonstrated by a study of the retention and release behavior of hydrogen isotopes in fusion-relevant
materials. We find that more than 90% of the deuterium implanted into a thin film of beryllium is released during a subsequent temperature
ramp up to 500 K.

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