
Publications in Scientific Journals:

A.N. Gusev, E. Braga, A. Tyutyunik, V. Gurchenko1, M. Berezovskaya, M. Kryukova, M. Kiskin, W. Linert:
"Synthesis, photoluminescence, and electrical study of pyrazolone-based azomethine ligand Zn(II) complexes";
Materials, 13 (2020), 5698 - 5709.

English abstract:
New luminescent zinc complexes were obtained by reaction of pyrazolone-based azomethine ligands with Zn(CH3COO)2.2H2O. Complexes structurally characterized by elemental analysis, FT-IR, ES-MS, NMR, and X-ray single-crystal analysis. These complexes in the solid state demonstrate tuneable luminescence from blue to orange by varying of substituents on the aromatic ring. Quantum yields are in the 0.03 to 0.49 range. TGA data shows that obtained complexes demonstrate high thermal stability and can be used as electroluminescent materials. The electrical properties of the complexes under study were considered in the ITO - Zncomplex - Al "sandwich" structure.

Pyrazolone-based ligands, Schiff bases, Metal complexes; Luminescence

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