

A. Arnold, A. Reismann, E. Sevcsik, G. Schütz:
"Monte Carlo simulations of protein micropatterning in biomembranes: effects of immobile nanofeatures with reduced diffusivity";
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53 (2020), S. 43540101 - 43540111.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Nanoscopic features of reduced diffusivity have long been suggested to contribute to plasmamembrane heterogeneity. Two prominent examples of this are highly dynamic lipid-mediatedassemblies (`membrane rafts´) and shells of annular lipids surrounding transmembrane proteins.Here, we simulated a micropatterning experiment, where such nanoscopic features areimmobilized in specific areas within the live cell plasma membrane. We evaluated the effect ofpatterned nanofeatures of different sizes and diffusivities on the spatial distribution andtwo-dimensional mobility of tracer molecules. From this, we derive empirical models thatdescribe the long-range tracer mobility as a function of the nanofeature density. In turn, ourresults facilitate the determination of nanofeature dimensions from micropatterningexperiments.Supplementary material for this a

rotein micropatterning,single molecule diffusion,single molecule tracking,MonteCarlo simulations,biomembranes

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