
Contributions to Proceedings:

B. Auinger, K. Hollaus, M. Leumüller, L. Nannen, M. Wess:
"Complex Scaled Infinite Elements for Electromagnetic Problems in Open Domains";
in: "Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation", 1; M. Kaltenbacher, J. Melenk, L. Nannen, F. Toth (ed.); issued by: TU Wien, Inst. of Mechanics a. Mechatronics, Inst. of Analysis a. Sci.Comp.; Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, TU Wien, Inst. of Mechanics a. Mechatroncis, Inst. of Analysis a. Sci. Comp., Wien, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-200-06511-6, 518 - 519.

English abstract:
A popular approach for treating time-harmonicMaxwell problems in open domains is the tech-nique of complex scaling. Thereby a complexcoordinate stretching is applied leading to expo-nentially decreasing outgoing solutions. Usuallya perfectly matched layer is generated by trun-cating the domain and discretizing the problemin the bounded layer with finite elements. Inour work we present a method based on com-plex scaling that omits truncation by the useof infinite elements. These infinite elements arestraightforward to use and lead to super-algebraicconvergence with respect to the number of un-knowns in propagation direction. Moreover, theyare stable, i.e. the condition numbers of the dis-cretization matrices are small.

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