
Contributions to Proceedings:

A. Körner, M. Sipovac, S. Winkler:
"Extending the Modelling Approaches for Dynamic Hybrid Systems to Accommodate Contact Model";
in: "Proceedings of the 32nd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium, EMSS", 32; M. Affenzeller, A. Bruzzone, F. Longo, A. Petrillo (ed.); issued by: DIMEG, University of Calabria; Proceedings of the 32nd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium, EMSS, CAL-TEK, Rende, IT, 2020, ISBN: 978-88-85741-44-7, 150 - 153.

English abstract:
This paper deals withmodelling dynamic hybrid systems. Aim is to introduce a modelling approachwhich incorporatesa modelling environment for contact models. This incorporationcan be achievedby introducing so-called moving guard sets for the model definition of dynamic hybrid systems. Based on the setupof a dynamic hybrid systemusing hybrid automata,the mathematical model description will be extendedaccordingly. A short discussion of the model extension presenting possible applications. Furthermore, we will demonstrate the extended approach and its applicability for dynamic contact modelsin form of a case study using pendulum systems. The contribution will present a possibility to bring DHS closer to entity based simulation models,which describe contact models on the basisof an individual set of rules for each involved entity.In the conclusion and outlook, further steps and investigations to classify this modelling approach will be presented.

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