
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

H. Grothe, T.M. Seifried, P. Bieber, L. Felgitsch:
"The Surface of Tree Tissues as Source of Extractable Ice Nucleating Macromolecules during Rainfall Events";
Talk: EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna (online); 2020-05-04 - 2020-05-08; in: "Geophysical Research Abstracts", (2020).

English abstract:
Several biological particles are able to trigger heterogeneous ice nucleation at subzero
temperatures above -38°C. Many plants species such as winter rye [1], certain berries [2], pines
and birches [3, 4] are known to contain biological ice-nucleating particles (BINPs) or rather icenucleating
macromolecules (INMs). However, the influence of these BINPs on atmospheric
processes including cloud glaciation and precipitation formation, as well as transport mechanisms
of BINPs from the land surface into the atmosphere remain uncertain. If those INMs are easily
available on the surfaces of a plant, they could be washed down by heavy rain events and could
add an important new source for BINPs in the atmosphere, which has not received enough
attention in the past.
In this study, we have focused on alpine trees, which form INMs extractable from their surfaces.
We examined ice nucleation activity of samples from different birches (Betula pendula) and pines
(Pinus sylvestris) growing in the Alps in Austria, Europe. Filtered aqueous extracts of leaves,
needles, bark and wood were analyzed in the laboratory in terms of heterogeneous ice nucleation
using VODCA (Vienna Optical Droplet Crystallization Analyzer), a cryo-microscope for emulsion
samples. All plant tissues contained INMs in the submicron size range. Furthermore, we
conducted a field experiment, in which we investigated the possibility of INMs to be released from
the surface of the trees into the atmosphere during rain showers.
[1] Brush, R.A., M. Griffith, and A. Mlynarz, Characterization and Quantification of Intrinsic Ice
Nucleators in Winter Rye (Secale cereale) Leaves. Plant Physiol, 1994. 104(2): p. 725-735.
[2] Felgitsch, L., et al., Heterogeneous Freezing of Liquid Suspensions Including Juices and Extracts
from Berries and Leaves from Perennial Plants. Atmosphere, 2019. 10(1): p. 1-22.
[3] Pomeroy, M.K., D. Siminovitch, and F. Wightman, Seasonal biochemical changes in the living
bark and needles of red pine (Pinus resinosa) in relation to adaptation to freezing. Canadian
Journal of Botany, 1970. 48(5): p. 953-967.
[4] Felgitsch, L., et al., Birch leaves and branches as a source of ice-nucleating macromolecules.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2018. 18(21): p. 16063-16079.
[5] Pummer, B.G., et al., Ice nucleation by water-soluble macromolecules. Atmospheric Chemistry
and Physics, 2015. 15(8): p. 4077-4091.

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