
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden:

O. Bodur, V. Stepanek, E. Walcher, M.N. Durakbasa:
"Precision in Additive Manufacturing, Optimization and Evaluation of the Accuracy of 3D Printer based on GPS System";
in: "Proceedings of the 31st DAAAM International Symposium", ISSN 1726-9679; B. Katalinic (Hrg.); DAAAM International, Vienna, Austria, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-902734-29-7, S. 0963 - 0972.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The additive manufacturing method finds increasing usage in the Industry and replaces many other traditional production methods. It is a significant part of Industry 4.0 due to its remote controllability, rapid production capability, and easily generative-sophisticated production dexterity. In modernized production, manufacturing systems ought to be utilized and integrated with the quality control and assurance which provides to produce properly according to the functional specifications and geometrical specifications of the products at the demanded level by characterized standards and GPS systems. Nowadays, FDM (Fused Deposition Modelling) is the most commonly used and cost-oriented additive manufacturing technique that makes it an obtainable and affordable alternative compared to other additive methods. In light of this information, the scope of this research is to establish a strategic approach to implement the FDM in the advanced manufacturing industry providing intelligent networking systems by data transfer and communication in production design, manufacture, metrology, and quality management systems.

Additive manufacturing; geometrical product specifications - GPS; reverse engineering; Industry 4.0; statistical process control

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