

D. Pérez-Guaita, M. Moreno-Torres, R. Jover, E. Pareja, B. Lendl, J. Kuligowski, G. Quintás, J. Castell:
"Toward Rapid Screening of Liver Grafts at the Operating Room Using Mid-infrared Spectroscopy";
Analytical Chemistry, 92 (2020), 21; S. 14542 - 14549.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The estimation of steatosis in a liver graft is
mandatory prior to liver transplantation, as the risk of graft failure
increases with the level of infiltrated fat. However, the assessment
of liver steatosis before transplantation is typically based on a
qualitative or semiquantitative characterization by visual inspection
and palpation and histological analysis. Thus, there is an unmet
need for transplantation surgeons to have access to a diagnostic
tool enabling an in situ fast classification of grafts prior to
extraction. In this study, we have assessed an attenuated total
reflection−Fourier transform infrared (ATR−FTIR) spectroscopic
method compatible with the requirements of an operation room
for the evaluation of the lipid contents in human livers. A set of 20
human liver biopsies obtained from organs intended for transplantation
were analyzed by expert pathologists, ATR−FTIR spectroscopy, lipid biochemical analysis, and UPLC−ESI(+/
−)TOFMS for lipidomic profiling. Comparative analysis of multisource data showed strong correlations between ATR−FTIR,
clinical, and lipidomic information. Results show that ATR−FTIR captures a global picture of the lipid composition of the liver,
along with information for the quantification of the triradylglycerol content in liver biopsies. Although the methodology performance
needs to be further validated, results support the applicability of ATR−FTIR for the in situ determination of the grade of liver
steatosis at the operation room as a fast, quantitative method, as an alternative to the qualitative and subjective pathological

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