
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

T. Zigart, S. Schlund:
"Evaluation of Augmented Reality Technologies in Manufacturing - A Literature Review";
Talk: AHFE 2020, San Diego; 2020-07-16 - 2020-07-20; in: "Advances in Human Factors and Systems Interaction", Springer, (2020), ISBN: 978-3-030-51368-9; 75 - 82.

English abstract:
Augmented Reality (AR) applications are increasingly being used in many dif-ferent areas, such as architecture, healthcare, manufacturing, and education. With AR, virtual information is merged into the real world. The use of AR sys-tems in manufacturing opens up new ways of providing information and is shaping a new form of interaction of employees. Employees can use AR sys-tems through devices like glasses, smartphones, tablets, and projectors, which are using voice commands and gesture recognition. These features allow hands-free working in manufacturing and offer an attractive advantage of AR glasses and projectors. Despite the apparent advantages of AR, it is used little in industry beyond the prototype stage. This could be explained that so far, the value added doesn´t seem attractive enough. Other influences may be ergo-nomic aspects, usability, user experience, and acceptance. This paper offers a systematic literature research of evaluation criteria of AR systems published.

Augmented Reality, Evaluation, Production, Manufacturing, Industry, Cognitive Assistance

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.