
Publications in Scientific Journals:

H. Palmer:
"Decomposing Matter: from literary critique to language creation";
Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research, 1 (2020), 1.

English abstract:
This article provides a context for the section "Creating Language and Theorizing Literature". The editors of the section discuss both contemporary and historical articulations of the materiality of language from a new materialist perspective. The new materialist project comprises looking for the immanence of language via three realms: its relation, its theorization, and its creation. Therefore, moving away from representationalist practices demands a definition of language as animate, sensory material requiring creative labour for its realisation. The article provides an example of this materialization of language, via the concept of bodywording.

Materiality, Language, Algorithm, Defamiliarisation, Bodywording.

"Official" electronic version of the publication (accessed through its Digital Object Identifier - DOI)

Electronic version of the publication:

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