
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

H. Palmer:
"To Be We To Be: A Conversation with Helen Palmer";
Talk: Quote Unquote Podcasts, London, UK (invited); 2020-06-07.

English abstract:

Quote-Unquote's podcast series provides a broadcast space for sound works, spoken word practice, readings, teachings and aural miscellanea by artists, anthropologists and researchers.

Quote-Unquote is an interdisciplinary platform for the investigation of (public) speech and its mechanisms, uses and effects in contemporary society, through artistic practice and its intersection with other fields of work. Devised by Bucharest-based curatorial unit Infinite Conversation (Dan Angelescu, Irina Radu, Cristina Vasilescu).



Helen Palmer is Anna Barhamīs guest in a podcast interview which explores the complex yet playful layers of Gertrude Steinīs prose poem Patriarchal Poetry. Their conversation forays into the humour and play of nonsense, the materiality of the text, resemblances and virtuosity, content words versus function words, language and power.

Using the same poem, Anna Barham has devised a series of encounters via Zoom - TO BE WE TO BE (quoteunquoteplatform.com/programme/an...egistration/), where the materiality and performativity of the text is explored through various strategies of reading with the participants.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.