
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

F. Michahelles, P. Wintersberger:
"The Eternity Bike - Bringing Active Safety to the Bicycle";
Vortrag: CHI'21 Cycling@CHI Workshop, Japan; 08.05.2021 - 09.05.2021.

Kurzfassung deutsch:
To meet humans´ mobility needs in the future, cycling could become a relevant alternative to established transport modes. However,bicycles are increasingly involved in accidents, and they did not benefit from active safety technology as implemented in traditionalcars. In this position paper, we present our vision of the"Eternity Bike", a (partly) automated bike with active safety functions that willfully integrate into the automated and cooperative transport systems of the future. We discuss relevant challenges from a technicaland a human factors perspective and propose a set of research questions which will guide us in its development.

Kurzfassung englisch:
To meet humans´ mobility needs in the future, cycling could become a relevant alternative to established transport modes. However,bicycles are increasingly involved in accidents, and they did not benefit from active safety technology as implemented in traditionalcars. In this position paper, we present our vision of the"Eternity Bike", a (partly) automated bike with active safety functions that willfully integrate into the automated and cooperative transport systems of the future. We discuss relevant challenges from a technicaland a human factors perspective and propose a set of research questions which will guide us in its development.

digital companion, assistant, shared control, bicycle, cycling, traffic safety, automation

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