
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

W. Kuich:
"Finite Automata over Conway Semirings";
Vortrag: Recent Advances of Quantitative Models in Computer Science 2021, Thessaloniki (eingeladen); 22.06.2021 - 23.06.2021.

Kurzfassung englisch:
A starsemiring satisfying the sum - star - equation and the product - star - equation is called Conway semiring. Each complete starsemiring is a Conway semiring. The semirings of nxn - matrices with entries in a Conway semiring and of power series with coefficients in a Conway semiring are again Conway semirings.
Let S be a Conway semiring and Sī be a subset of S containing 0 and 1. A finite Sī - automaton with state set {1, ... , n} is defined by an transition matrix M, an initial row vector I and a final column vector P, all of dimension n with entries in Sī. Its behavior is given by IM*P.
Let Rec(Sī) be the collection of the behaviors of all finite Sī - automata. Denote by Rat(Sī) the least starsemiring closed under the rational operations +, ., * and containing Sī. Then we prove the Kleene theorem Rec(Sī) = Rat(Sī).
If the basic semiring is a power series seming with coefficients in a Conway semiring, we prove a Kleene - Schützenberger theorem.

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