

D. Dworschak, H. Cheng, C. Ku, C. Chiang, C. Lin, M. Valtiner:
"Comparison of elemental resolved non-confined and restricted electrochemical degradation of nickel base alloys";
Corrosion Science, 190 (2021), S. 1096291 - 1096298.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Passive film properties of nickel base alloys (NBAs) have been studied extensively, yet elemental resolved dissolution currents under corrosive conditions are less well studied. Here, we compare elemental dissolution currents during anodic polarisation and repassivation under crevice and freely-exposed conditions for various
NBAs using an ICP-MS flow-cell approach. With a new sample design we can track communication of a crevice environment with the electrolyte, providing insight into crevice solution chemistry and solubility of passive filmforming elements. Data indicates Mo can only form stable precipitate layers under openly corroding conditions.
Local elemental depletion was further examined by XPS and nanometer resolved XRF.

Nickel base alloys ICP-MS Restricted (confined) corrosion Localized corrosion Oxide breakdown Synchrotron-XRF

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