
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

C. Cupak, R. Stadlmayr, H. Biber, P. Szabo, R. Cserveny, M. Fellinger, F. Aumayr:
"Studying plasma-wall-interaction processes in the laboratory using a sensitive quartz crystal microbalanc; invited talk";
Vortrag: 25th International Conference on Ion-Surface Interactions (ISI-2021), Moscow/Russia (eingeladen); 26.08.2021; in: "Proc. of the XXV International Conference on Ion-Surface Interactions (ISI-2021), editors: E.Yu. Zykova, P.A. Karaseov, A.I. Titov, V.E. Yurasova, 23.-27.08.2021, Moscow/Russia, Vol.3; National Research University Higher School of Economics MEPhi", (2021), S. 20 - 24.

Kurzfassung englisch:
In nuclear fusion research, ion-solid interaction processes between plasma ions and relevant first wall materials like W are under continuous investigation. During operation of a magnetically confined nuclear fusion device, erosion of the reactor´s first wall is occurring due to the continuous bombardment by energetic ions, called sputtering. This process is disadvantageous since sputtered wall atoms penetrate the fusion plasma, increase radiative losses and thus reduce the plasma temperature. Furthermore, retention of radioactive tritium due to ion implantation in the first wall has critical safety issues [1]. Since W has a comparably low sputtering yield and low hydrogen solubility, it is a promising candidate for application in fusion devices [2]. However, precise determination of material properties by laboratory experiments is crucial for the development of future nuclear fusion reactors.

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