

G. Papagni, S. Köszegi:
"Interpretable Artificial Agents and Trust: Supporting a non-Expert Users Perspective";
in: "Culturally Sustainable Social Robotics", IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2020, S. 653 - 662.

Kurzfassung englisch:
This paper offers an analysis of the connections between different forms of interpretability of artificial agents and how these can influence the development of trust on the side of non-expert users. In order to discuss semantic issues connected to forms of interpretability such as transparency and explainability, the first part of the paper proposes a critical analysis of the terms involved and of their relation. The second part investigates the implementation of these forms of interpretability, highlighting their limits and advantages, in order to maximize understandability for non-expert users and artificial agents´ trustworthiness.

artificial agents; trust

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