

A. Psenner:
"19th Century Architecture and Urban Planning - One of the First International Styles in Town Planning?";
in: "The Global City. The Urban Condition As A Pervasive Phenomenon", M. Pretelli, R. Tamborrino, I. Tolic (Hrg.); herausgegeben von: Aisu International. Associazione Italiana di Storia Urbana; Aisu International Associazione Italiana di Storia Urbana, Turin, 2020, ISBN: 978-88-31277-01-3, S. 406 - 408.

Kurzfassung englisch:
All around the First World, the cities of the 19th century experienced a major wave
of industrialisation and urbanisation. The technical and medical achievements of the
time led to a greater population survivability, regional demographic peaks, and - supported
by the prevailing political situations - an unprecedented rural exodus. In addition,
technical inventions and political shifts of that time fundamentally changed the
established social order. Interestingly, urban planning and architecture responded to
what was happening globally with similar means: a gridded urban structure, the emergence
of public transport, the boosting of housing and - somewhat surprisingly - a
strongly historicising architectural language.
The Gründerzeit style, en vogue in the Austrian monarchy, in Vienna, Budapest,
Prague, Zagreb; the architecture d´entrepreneur in Haussmann´s Paris; the
Wilhelminian architecture in Hobrecht´s Berlin and Barcelona´s Pla Cerda, shall they
be seen as facets of the same - and maybe first - global city planning approach?
Was the similarity in the town planning approach led by the first World Fairs and
exhibitions or the upcoming Städtebau and Stadtbaukunst manuals or other journal
publications? In which way do the implementations of national urban design strategies
differ and where did the institutionalisation of town planning lead to similar
outcomes? What led these similarities? In which way do the implementations of
national urban design strategies differ and where did the institutionalisation of town
planning and legislations lead to similar outcomes? Did the topographic and climatic
conditions have a mayor impact?

Hstorism, Gründerzeit, Industrialization, Europe, Vienna, Prague, Budapest, Rome, Berlin

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