

M. Kühler, V. Abello Aldana:
"Los inquilinatos en Bogotá: desde la problemática socioespacial hasta una propuesta arquitectónica habitacional";
Dearq, 31 (2021), S. 60 - 73.

Kurzfassung englisch:
This article aims to visualize Bogotá´s tenements, in the local context called Inquilinatos, as a dwelling typology relevant for the most vulnerable population. It describes its current situation, socio-spatial dynamics and contemplates its negative and potential aspects. The paper establishes the hypothesis that: Inquilinatos embody a problem that results from economic and social factors and reflects in the spatial dimension. Thus, if we approached them through the discipline of architecture, they may have the potential to become an adequate housing alternative. Therefore, this article proposes an architectural design to validate this hypothesis, generating a new discussion around the tenement as a housing solution.

tenements, informal housing, cohousing, temporary housing, inhabiting, architectural design, housing proposal

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