
Scientific Reports:

B. Binder-Hammer, A. Fürnkranz-Prskawetz:
"Quantifying the Role of the Family in the Intergenerational Transfer System: An Application of National Transfer Accounts for Austria 2015";
Report for NTA Working Paper; Report No. Tech.rep. 21/2021, 2021; 21 pages.

English abstract:
Few data sources provide information on private transfers between generations and gender. We
use a novel approach based on the National Transfer Accounts methodology to estimate the
value of intra-family transfers between generations and gender in Austria 2015. The paper
considers transfers of money and consumption goods as well as transfers of services produced by
non-market work. Parents use one third of their disposable income and up to four hours of daily
non-market work for their children. The total size of the intra-family transfers is comparable to
the size of public social transfers and correspond to 38 per cent of primary income.

Generational Economy, National Transfer Accounts, Intra-Family Transfers

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.