

B. Binder-Hammer, S. Spitzer, A. Fürnkranz-Prskawetz:
"Age‑Specific Income Trends in Europe: The Role of Employment, Wages, and Social Transfers";
Social Indicators Research, online (2021).

Kurzfassung englisch:
This study analyses age-specifc diferences in income trends in nine European countries.
Based on data from National Accounts and the European Union Statistics on Income and
Living Conditions, we quantify age-specifc changes in income between 2008 and 2017
and decompose these changes into employment, wages, and public transfer components.
Results show that income of the younger age groups stagnated or declined in most countries since 2008, while income of the older population increased. The decomposition analysis indicates that the main drivers of the diverging trends are higher employment among
the older population and a strong increase in public pensions, especially for women.

Generational economy · Income · Intergenerational equity

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