
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

M. Banaeyan, M. Faezeh:
"360 Calibration Tunnel for Around-view Monitoring System"";
Poster: 8th International Conference on New Solutions in Engineering, Information Science and Technology of the Century ahead (ICIET), 8th International Conference on New Solutions in Engineering, Information Science and Technology of the Century ahead (ICIET); 19.04.2021.

Kurzfassung englisch:
his paper introduces a novel 360º calibration tunnel for auto-calibration of multi-camera in
the around-view monitoring system. A specific cylindrical pattern is designed to cover the
tunnel and to uniquely encode 3D real world. The unusual model- and correspondence-free
multi-camera calibration is employed based on our previous work in [1]. In particular, the
scale-free fractal designs inside the 360º pattern result in resolution-free calibration and thus
makes the tunnel practical for nearly arbitrary resolutions. One of the main advantage of such
tunnel is to not only avoid of manually place the calibration multiple patterns around a vehicle
which is complex and laborious but also to dramatically decrease the time of the calibration in
a range of few seconds. Therefore, the proposed calibration tunnel can be widely applied to
vehicle manufacture, verification, and repair and also in future thanks to the progressing of
artificial intelligence, for installing in every gas station to calibrate the multi-cameras of
autonomous cars.

360º Calibration tunnel, Around-view monitoring (AVM), Model- and correspondence-free, Multi-camera systems

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