
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

U. Buyuk, A. Akdogan, S. Vanli, M.N. Durakbasa:
"Minimizing Coating Process Sourced Hydrogen Embrittlement Of Fasteners";
Vortrag: 32nd International DAAAM Virtual Symposium, Wien, Österreich; 28.10.2021 - 29.10.2021; in: "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation", B. Katalinic (Hrg.); Proceedings of the 32nd International DAAAM Virtual Symposium / DAAAM International, Vienna, Austria, EU, 2021, Volume 32, No.1 ISSN 1726-9679, ISBN 978-3-902734-33-4 (2021), ISSN: 1726-9679; S. 508 - 513.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Fasteners are devices that mechanically fix two or more objects to each other used in many joints. The phenomenon of hydrogen embrittlement can be very common in fastener materials, causing problems in the assembly of fasteners and reducing their mechanical properties. Hydrogen embrittlement means the embrittlement of a metal by diffusible hydrogen due to the absorption of its atoms or molecules by the material. Appropriate plating or coating processes should be used in the surface coating of fasteners to minimize hydrogen embrittlement. In this paper, we examined spring type straight pins as fasteners to be coated to avoid unexpected failures due to hydrogen diffusion such as low mechanical properties. Choosing the right coating type and conditions improved assembly productivity and the performance of spring type straight pins.

Fasteners; Coating; Hydrogen embrittlement; Mechanical properties

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