
Scientific Reports:

J. Summhammer:
"Morphology and high frequency bio-electric fields";
Report for https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.03339; 2021; 17 pages.

English abstract:
We investigate possible shapes of the electric field, which oscillating dipoles in a certain region of biological tissue can produce in a neighboring region, or outside the tissue bound-
aries. We find that a wide range of shapes, including the typical morphology of limbs and appendages, can be generated as a zone of extremely low field amplitudes embedded in a zone of much larger field amplitudes. Neutral molecules with a resonance close to the frequency
of the oscillating field may be attracted to this zone or be repelled from it, while the driving effect on molecules with an electric charge is only extremely weak. The forces would be sufficient for the controlled deposition of molecules during growth or regeneration. They could also serve as a method of information transfer.

high frequency electric field, bio electricity, molecular trap, morphogenesis

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