
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

M. Tschopp, N. Scharowski, P. Wintersberger:
"Do Humans Trust AI or Its Developers? Exploring Benefits of Differentiating Trustees Within Trust in AI Frameworks";
Poster: Conference: Workshop: The Culture of trustworthy AI, Venedig; 01.06.2021.

Kurzfassung englisch:
"Trustworthy" artificial intelligence (AI) is a globally dis-cussed topic. Trust, distinct but related to trustworthiness, isconsidered a critical success factor in human-AI-interactions.However, the role of the trusted "partner´ remains unclear:Is an AI system or the designers of AI the trusted peer inthis relation, and does it even matter? Since trust in tech-nology providers is not frequently evaluated, we conductedan online survey to explore the potential benefit of differen-tiating the actors of the trust framework in more detail. Theresults of this early stage research confirms that trust is arelevant construct in the adoption of AI technology, and par-ticipants trusted AI in general significantly more than tech-nology providers that develop AI. Preliminary results, limi-tations and plans for future research will be discussed. Weaim to refine the discussion around trustworthy AI througha better understanding of the designers´ role in the trustframework with the goal to develop trust-relevant recom-mendations for companies designing "trustworthy´ AI.

trust; trustworthy AI; AI Trust; provider trust

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