
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden:

H. Sahin, H. Müller, S. Sadeghian, A. Löcken, A. Matviienko, M. Colley, A. Habibovic, P. Wintersberger:
"Workshop on Prosocial Behavior in Future Mixed Traffic";
in: "3th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interac-tive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI ´21)", ACM (Hrg.); herausgegeben von: ACM; ACM, Leeds, UK, 2021, 4 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
"Prosocial Behavior" means cooperating and acting in a way to
benefit others. Since more and more diverse road users (such as
electronic bicycles, scooters, etc.) but also vehicles at different levels
of automation are sharing the safety-critical road environment,
acting prosocial will become increasingly important in the future
for both human and automated traffic participants. A few papers
so far have already begun to address this issue, but currently, there
exist no systematic methodological approaches to research this area.
In the proposed workshop, we plan to define more specifically what
characterizes prosocial behavior in future traffic scenarios where
automated and manual vehicles meet and interact with all kinds
of vulnerable road users. We further want to identify important
scenarios and discuss potential evaluation methods for researching
prosocial behavior. Ultimately, these findings will be integrated into
a research agenda actively pursued by cooperation initiated during
this event.

prosocial behavior, vulnerable road users, automated vehicles

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