
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

V. Patteeuw, G. Mastrigli, B. Lampariello, P. Vanni, E. Chiappone-Piriou:
"Superstudio Migrazioni booklaunch";
Vortrag: Superstudio Migrazioni - online program of events, CIVA Brussels, Belgium; 21.01.2021; in: "Superstudio Migrazioni booklaunch", (2021).

Kurzfassung englisch:
In offering a rich selection of images, works and documents, Superstudio Migrazioni aims at allowing for multiple cross-readings and interpretations of the group´s intellectual, architectural and poetical migrations.

superstudio, Architecture history, architecture theory, radical architecture, design, migration

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