
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

V. Patteeuw, G. Mastrigli, B. Lampariello, P. Vanni, E. Chiappone-Piriou:
"Superstudio Migrazioni booklaunch";
Talk: Superstudio Migrazioni - online program of events, CIVA Brussels, Belgium; 2021-01-21; in: "Superstudio Migrazioni booklaunch", (2021).

English abstract:
In offering a rich selection of images, works and documents, Superstudio Migrazioni aims at allowing for multiple cross-readings and interpretations of the groupīs intellectual, architectural and poetical migrations.

superstudio, Architecture history, architecture theory, radical architecture, design, migration

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.