

I. Gebeshuber:
"Biomimetic Nanotechnology Vol. 2";
Biomimetics, 7 (1) (2022), 16; S. 1 - 5.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Biomimetic nanotechnology relates to the most basic aspects of living systems, and the transfer of their properties to human applications. Biological materials, structures, and processes are predominantly based on functionalities at the nanoscale. These nanoscale functionalities are often peppered with added components embedded in beautiful hierarchical layers, moving from the nano- to the micro-, through the meso-, and finally to the macroscale [1]. This is of relevance in materials science, medicine, physics, sensor technologies, smart materials science, and various further fields. Biomimetics of nanoscale features of living systems is highly challenging, interesting, and rewarding. Yet, because of the inherent multifunctionality of most biological functions, sometimes it is complicated to isolate specific features that are interesting for potential novel applications in technology. Here, both smart approaches and a focus on properly identifying the underlying principles of Nature are necessary for us to be able to transfer lessons from living systems to technology, science, engineering, and the arts.

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