

A. Pustogow:
"Thirty-Year Anniversary of κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3: Reconciling the Spin Gap in a Spin-Liquid Candidate";
Solids, 3 (2022), S. 93 - 110.

Kurzfassung englisch:
In 1991, the Argonne group led by Jack Williams [Inorg. Chem. 1991, 30, 2586-2588] reported the first synthesis of k-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3. Although, originally, the focus was on the superconducting properties under pressure, this frustrated Mott insulator has been the most promising quantum-spin-liquid candidate for almost two decades, widely believed to host gapless spin excitations down to T = 0. The recent observation of a spin gap by Miksch et al. [Science 2021, 372, 276-279.] rules out a gapless spin liquid with itinerant spinons and puts severe constraints on the magnetic ground state. This review evaluates magnetic, thermal transport, and structural anomalies around T* = 6 K. The opening of a spin gap yields a rapid drop of spin susceptibility, NMR Knight shift, spin-lattice relaxation rate, and m-SR spin fluctuation rate, but is often concealed by impurity spins. The concomitant structural transition at T? manifests in thermal expansion, THz phonons and 63Cu NQR relaxation. Based on the field dependence of T*, a critical field of 30-60 T is estimated for the underlying spin-singlet state. Overall, the physical properties are remarkably similar to those of spin-Peierls compounds. Thus, a strong case is made that the `6K anomaly´ in k-(BEDT-TTF)2-Cu2(CN)3 is the transition to a valence-bond-solid state and it is suggested that such a scenario is rather the rule than the exception in materials with strong magnetic frustration.

quantum spin liquids, Mott insulators, metal-insulator transitions, valence bond solid, spin-Peierls

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