

A. Mason, R. Lee, A. Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, B. Binder-Hammer et al.:
"Six Ways Population Change Will Affect the Global Economy";
Population and Development Review, 0 (2022), S. 1 - 23.

Kurzfassung englisch:
New estimates of economic flows by age combined with population projections show
that in the coming decades (1) global GDP growth could be slower by about 1 per centage point per year, declining more sharply than population growth; (2) GDP
will shift toward sub-Saharan Africa more than population trends suggest; (3) liv ing standards of working-age adults may be squeezed by high spending on children
and seniors; (4) changing population age distribution will raise living standards in
many lower-income nations; (5) changing economic life cycles will amplify the eco nomic effects of population aging in many higher income economies; and (6) pop ulation aging will likely push public debt, private assets, and perhaps productivity
higher. Population change will have profound implications for national, regional,
and global economies

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