

P. Szabo, D. Weichselbaum, H. Biber, C. Cupak, A. Mutzke, R. Wilhelm, F. Aumayr:
"Graphical user interface for SDTrimSP to simulate sputtering, ion implantation and the dynamic effects of ion irradiation";
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B, 522 (2022), S. 47 - 53.

Kurzfassung englisch:
SDTrimSP is a popular simulation program to compute several effects of the interaction between an impinging
ion and a solid, such as ion implantation ranges, damage formation or sputtering of surface atoms. We now
introduce a graphical user interface for SDTrimSP to make its operation more accessible for a broad group of
users. It is written as a separate Python program and is not restricted to any specific operating system. The
interface allows a quick and easy start as well as the direct evaluation of SDTrimSP simulations. Its capabilities
are demonstrated here in the form of several example cases, including the dynamic simulations with SDTrimSP,
where ion-induced target changes are taken into account. The presented graphical user interface is made freely
available to support a large number of users in performing simulations of ion-solid interaction.

SDTrimSP Graphical user interface Ion-solid interaction Sputtering Ion ranges Ion-induced damages simulation

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