
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden:

N. Jäggi, H. Biber, P. Szabo, A. Vorburger, A. Mutzke, F. Aumayr, P. Wurz, A. Galli:
"An update on modeled ion sputter yields of planetary bodies in agreement with recent experimental data";
in: "Proc. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2022", EGU22-5188; EGU General Assembly, 2022, S. 1 - 2.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Thin, collisionless atmospheres are created around otherwise atmosphere-free celestial bodies
through space weathering processes. Impinging solar wind ions eject highly energetic particles
into these atmospheres by sputtering. Some ejected particles escape from the atmosphere, some
return to the surface or are ionized and might be caught in a surrounding magnetosphere or the
solar wind plasma. This process can be observed far into space through ground based and in-situ

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