
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

H. Leeb, D. Neudecker, Th. Srdinko:
"Consistent procedure for evaluation based on modelling";
Talk: Workshop on Neutron Cross Section Covariances, Port Jefferson, USA; 2008-06-24 - 2008-06-28; in: "Special Issuo on Workshop on Neutron Cross Section Covariances", Nuclear Data Sheets, 109 (2008), ISSN: 0090-3752; 2762 - 2767.

English abstract:
A complete and consistent procedure to generate evaluated nuclear data files and the associated covariance matrices is presented. The novel procedure is fully based on Bayesian statistics and makes use of the theoretically formulated prior for parameter uncertainties presented by Leeb and Pigni recently. In addition the prior includes also model defects based on a statistical study of the gross structure of experimental data. Furthermore, a so-called correlated Bayesian uptade approach (CBUA) is proposed in order to account for a realistic treatment of systematic errors in experiments.

"Official" electronic version of the publication (accessed through its Digital Object Identifier - DOI)

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