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Publikationsliste für
Andreas Schmitt
als Autorin / Autor bzw. wesentlich beteiligte Person

91 Datensätze (2008 - 2016)

Bücher und Buch-Herausgaben

D. Kharzeev, K. Landsteiner, A. Schmitt, H.-U. Yee (Hrg.):
"Strongly Interacting Matter in Magnetic Fields";
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, ISBN: 978-3-642-37304-6; 624 S.

A. Schmitt:
"Dense Matter in Compact Stars - A Pedagogical Introduction";
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, ISBN: 978-3-642-12865-3; 146 S.

A. Schmitt:
"Introduction to superfluidity - Field theoretical appraoch and applications";
springer, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-319-07946-2.


M. Alford, M. Braby, A. Schmitt:
"Bulk viscosity in kaon-condensed color-flavor locked quark matter";
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 35 (2008), S. 115007-1 - 115007-27.

M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu, A. Schmitt, S. Stetina:
"From a complex scalar field to the two-fluid picture of superfluidity";
Physical Review D, 87 (2013), S. 065001-1 - 065001-24.

M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu, A. Schmitt, S. Stetina:
"Role reversal in first and second sound in a relativistic superfluid";
Physical Review D, 89 (2014), S. 085005.

M. Alford, A. Schmitt, K. Rajagopoal, T. Schäfer:
"Color superconductivity in dense quark matter";
Reviews of Modern Physics, 80 (2008), S. 1455 - 1515.

N. Brambilla, A. Schmitt et al.:
"QCD and strongly coupled gauge theories: challenges and perspectives";
European Physical Journal C, 74 (2014), 10; S. 2981.

A. Haber, F. Preis, A. Schmitt:
"Magnetic catalysis in nuclear matter";
Physical Review D, 90 (2014), 12; S. 125036 - 125052.

Zusätzliche Informationen

D. Kharzeev, K. Landsteiner, A. Schmitt, H.-U. Yee:
"Strongly interacting matter in magnetic fields: an overview";
Lecture Notes Physics, 871 (2013), S. 1 - 11.

S. Li, A. Schmitt, Q. Wang:
"From holography towards real-world nuclear matter";
Physical Review D, 92 (2015), S. 026006-1 - 026006-27.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Holographic baryonic matter in a background magnetic field";
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 39 (2012), 5; S. 054006-1 - 054006-35.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense holographic matter";
J. High Energy Phys., 03 (2011), S. 033-0 - 033-41.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in field theory and gauge-gravity duality";
Lecture Notes Physics, 871 (2013), S. 51 - 86.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"Anomalies and the chiral magnetic effect in the Sakai-Sugimoto model";
J. High Energy Phys., 2010 (2010), 1; S. 026-0 - 026-35.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"Holographic chiral currents in a magnetic field";
Prog. Theor. Phys. (Suppl.), 186 (2010), S. 463 - 470.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"Meson supercurrents and the Meissner effect in the Sakai-Sugimoto model";
J. High Energy Phys., 05 (2009), S. 084-0 - 084-46.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, P. van Nieuwenhuizen:
"One-loop results for kink and domain wall profiles at zero and finite temperature";
Physical Review D, 80 (2009), S. 045012-1 - 045012-14.

A. Schmitt:
"CFL-K0 Quark Matter and Its Bulk Viscosity";
Prog. Theor. Phys. (Suppl.), 174 (2008), S. 14 - 25.

A. Schmitt:
"Supercurrents in color-superconducting quark matter";
Nuclear Physics A, 820 (2009), S. 49C - 56C.

A. Schmitt:
"Superfluid two-stream instability in a microscopic model";
Physical Review D, 89 (2014), S. 065024.

A. Schmitt, S. Stetina, A. Haber:
"Instabilities in relativistic two-component (super)fluids";
Physical Review D, 93 (2016), 025011.

Zusätzliche Informationen

A. Schmitt, S. Stetina, M. Tachibana:
"Ginzburg-Landau phase diagram for dense matter with axial anomaly, strange quark mass, and meson condensation";
Physical Review D, 83 (2012), S. 045008.

Beiträge in Tagungsbänden

M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu, A. Schmitt, S. Stetina:
"Relativistic superfluid hydrodynamics from field theory";
in: "Proceedings of "Quark Confinement and Hadron Spectrum X"", PoS Confinement X, 2012, S. 256 - 263.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Chiral transition in dense, magnetized matter";
in: "AIP Conf. Proc. 1492 (2012)", AIP Conference Proceedings, 2012, S. 264 - 268.

A. Schmitt, F. Preis, A. Haber:
"Baryon onset in a magnetic field";
in: "Proceedings, 11th Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum (Confinement XI) : St. Petersburg, Russia, September 8-12, 2014", 1701; AIP Conference Proceedings, 2016, ISBN: 9780735413481, 5 S.

Zusätzliche Informationen

A. Schmitt, S. Stetina, M. Tachibana:
"Meson condensation and critical point in dense quark matter";
in: "Proceedings of "Quark Confinement and Hadron Spectrum IX"", AIP Conference Proceedings, 2011, S. 583 - 585.

Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag)

S. Stetina, A. Schmitt, M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu:
"From field theory to superfluid hydrodynamics of dense quark matter";
Vortrag: Compact Stars in the QCD Phase Diagram III, Guarujá, Brasil; 12.12.2012 - 15.12.2012; in: "Compact Stars in the QCD Phase Diagram III (CSQCD III)", Electronic Conference Proceedings Archive, Cnum: C12-12-12 (2012), S. 1 - 8.

Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag)

M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu, A. Schmitt, S. Stetina:
"Quark superfluidity in the two-fluid formalism";
Vortrag: Conference ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum X", Munich (Germany); 08.10.2012 - 12.10.2012.

M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu, A. Schmitt, S. Stetina:
"Quark superfluidity in the two-fluid formalism";
Vortrag: ``Quark Gluon Plasma meets Cold Atoms -- Episode III" (EMMI Workshop), Hirschegg; 25.08.2012 - 31.08.2012.

M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu, A. Schmitt, S. Stetina:
"Quark superfluidity in the two-fluid formalism";
Vortrag: Conference "Strong and electroweak matter 2012", Swansea (UK); 10.07.2012 - 13.07.2012.

M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu, A. Schmitt, S. Stetina:
"Role reversal in first and second sound in a relativistic superfluid";
Vortrag: Quark Matter in Compact Stars (EMMI Workshop), Frankfurt (Deutschland) (eingeladen); 10/2013.

M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu, A. Schmitt, S. Stetina:
"Superfluid properties of dense quark matter";
Vortrag: Nuclear Matter and Phases of QCD (I3HP Workshop), Graz (eingeladen); 21.05.2013 - 23.05.2013.

M. Attems, D. Grumiller, A. Rebhan, P. Romatschke, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"On the collision of two shock waves in AdS5";
Vortrag: FAKT 2009 (Österr. Physikal. Gesellschaft), Innsbruck; 01.09.2009 - 04.09.2009.

Zusätzliche Informationen

A. Haber, F. Preis, A. Schmitt:
"Magnetic catalysis in nuclear matter";
Vortrag: Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum XI, St Petersburg (eingeladen); 09/2014.

A. Haber, F. Preis, A. Schmitt:
"Nuclear matter in strong magnetic fields";
Vortrag: Symposium Latsis EPFL (14-18 July 2014) on Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM14), Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Schweiz; 14.07.2014 - 18.07.2014.

Zusätzliche Informationen

A. Haber, A. Schmitt:
"Magnetic Catalysis in Nuclear Matter";
Vortrag: 53. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik, Schladming Winter School 2015, Schladming; 01.03.2015 - 06.03.2015.

D. Parganlija, A. Schmitt:
"Broken Superfluidity in Dense Quark Matter";
Vortrag: Second Norwegian Winter Workshop on QCD in Extreme Conditions, Trondheim (Norway); 13.12.2012 - 15.12.2012.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense (holographic) matter";
Vortrag: Workshop ``P- and CP-odd Effects in Hot and Dense Matter 2012", Brookhaven (USA) (eingeladen); 25.07.2012 - 27.07.2012.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense (holographic) matter";
Vortrag: Conference ``QCD@Work 2012", Lecce (Italy); 18.06.2012 - 21.06.2012.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense holographic matter";
Vortrag: Johns-Hopkins Workshop "AdS/CFT and its Applications", Budapest, Ungarn; 22.06.2011 - 24.06.2011.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense holographic matter";
Vortrag: Seminar, MIT, Cambridge, USA (eingeladen); 09.09.2011.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense holographic matter";
Vortrag: Seminar, Washington University, St Louis, USA (eingeladen); 15.09.2011.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense holographic matter";
Vortrag: Seminar, Princeton University, Princeton, USA (eingeladen); 23.09.2011.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense holographic matter";
Vortrag: INT Summer School on Applications of String Theory, Seattle, Washington, USA (eingeladen); 18.07.2011 - 29.07.2011.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense matter";
Poster: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2012, Swansea, UK; 10.07.2012 - 13.07.2012.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense matter";
Vortrag: Workshop "Holography and magnetic catalysis of chiral symmetry breaking", Dublin (eingeladen); 19.11.2012 - 22.11.2012.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense matter";
Vortrag: Workshop ``QCD in strong magnetic fields", Trento (Italy) (eingeladen); 12.11.2012 - 16.11.2012.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense matter";
Vortrag: ``Hadron Physics from Lattice QCD" (Workshop of the Collaborative Research Center SFB TR55), Graz (eingeladen); 27.09.2012 - 28.09.2012.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense matter";
Vortrag: Second Norwegian Winter Workshop on QCD in Extreme Conditions, Trondheim (Norway) (eingeladen); 13.12.2012 - 15.12.2012.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"Dense Matter in the Sakai Sugimoto Model";
Poster: Chiral Symmetry and Confinement in Cold, Dense Quark Matter, Trento (Italien); 19.06.2010 - 23.06.2010.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"Holographic chiral currents in a magnetic field";
Vortrag: Chiral Symmetry and Confinement in Cold, Dense Quark Matter., Trento; 19.06.2010 - 23.06.2010.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"Supercurrents and the Meissner effect in the Sakai-Sugimoto model";
Vortrag: Seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (USA) (eingeladen); 13.02.2009.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"Supercurrents and the Meissner effect in the Sakai-Sugimoto model";
Vortrag: Seminar, Washington University in St Louis (USA) (eingeladen); 29.01.2009.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"Supercurrents and the Meissner effect in the Sakai-Sugimoto model";
Vortrag: Seminar, Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt (Deutschland) (eingeladen); 07.05.2009.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"Supercurrents and the Meissner effect in the Sakai-Sugimoto model";
Vortrag: Seminar, University of Illinois, Chicago (USA) (eingeladen); 02.02.2009.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"The chiral magnetic effect in holographic QCD";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag, Washington University in St Louis (USA) (eingeladen); 04.02.2010.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"The chiral magnetic effect in holographic QCD";
Vortrag: Seminar, Arizona State University, Tempe (USA) (eingeladen); 10.02.2010.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"The chiral magnetic effect in holographic QCD";
Vortrag: Seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge (USA) (eingeladen); 24.02.2010.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"The chiral magnetic effect in holographic QCD";
Vortrag: Strong and Electroweak matter 2010, Montreal (Kanada); 29.06.2010 - 02.07.2010.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"The chiral magnetic effect in holographic QCD";
Vortrag: Hot Matter: Quasiparticles or Quasinormal modes (EMMI workshop), Wien (eingeladen); 24.08.2010 - 28.08.2010.

A. Schmitt:
"Color Superconductivity";
Vortrag: YITP International Symposium: Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense QCD, Kyoto, Japan (eingeladen); 03.03.2008 - 06.03.2008.

A. Schmitt:
"Color superconductivity in dense quark matter";
Vortrag: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2008, Amsterdam (eingeladen); 26.08.2008 - 29.08.2008.

A. Schmitt:
"Color superconductivity in dense quark matter";
Vortrag: Seminar, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spanien) (eingeladen); 29.10.2008.

A. Schmitt:
"Color superconductivity in dense quark matter";
Vortrag: "Phases of Strongly Interacting Matter" (International Graduate School Bielefeld-Paris), Orsay (Frankreich) (eingeladen); 09.03.2009 - 13.03.2009.

A. Schmitt:
"Color superconductivity in dense quark matter";
Vortrag: Workshop "Quark-Gluon Plasma meets Cold Atoms", Riezlern (Oesterreich) (eingeladen); 03.08.2009 - 08.08.2009.

A. Schmitt:
"Color superconductivity in dense quark matter: properties and astrophysical applications";
Vortrag: Workshop "Phase Transitions in Particle, Nuclear, and Condensed Matter Systems", Muenster (Deutschland) (eingeladen); 18.02.2009 - 20.02.2009.

A. Schmitt:
"Color superconductivity in the QCD phase diagram and in compact stars";
Vortrag: Seminar, Southampton, UK (eingeladen); 24.03.2011.

A. Schmitt:
"Color superconductivity: recent developments and astrophysical applications";
Vortrag: Seminar, Karl-Franzens-Univeritaet, Graz (eingeladen); 16.01.2008.

A. Schmitt:
"Dense matter in a magnetic field - from a field-theoretic and a holographic point of view";
Vortrag: ``Dense Matter in Heavy-Ion Collisions and Astrophysics" (Helmholtz International Summer School), Dubna (Russia) (eingeladen); 28.08.2012 - 08.09.2012.

A. Schmitt:
"Dense matter in a magnetic field -- from a field-theoretic and a holographic point of view";
Vortrag: QCD vacuum and matter under strong magnetic field, Beijing (China); 04/2013.

A. Schmitt:
"Dense QCD matter in compact stars";
Vortrag: Achievements and Perspectives in Low-Energy QCD with Strangeness, Trento (eingeladen); 10/2014.

A. Schmitt:
"Kaon-condensed CFL quark matter: properties and astrophysical applications";
Vortrag: Seminar, IEEC, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spanien) (eingeladen); 08.05.2008.

A. Schmitt:
"Kaon-condensed CFL quark matter: properties and astrophysical applications";
Vortrag: Seminar, Universitaet Bielefeld (Deutschland) (eingeladen); 06.05.2008.

A. Schmitt:
"QCD at finite temperature and density from holography";
Vortrag: Seminar, Goethe-Universitaet, Frankfurt (Deutschland) (eingeladen); 27.05.2010.

A. Schmitt:
"QCD in strong magnetic fields";
Vortrag: Excited QCD 2013, Bjelasnica Mountain, Sarajevo (Bosnia) (eingeladen); 03.02.2013 - 09.02.2013.

A. Schmitt:
"Sound modes and the two-stream instability in relativistic superfluids";
Vortrag: Effective field theory for quantum many-body systems, Madrid (eingeladen); 01/2014.

A. Schmitt:
"Sound modes and the two-stream instability in relativistic superfluids";
Vortrag: The structure and signals of neutron stars, from birth to death, Florence; 03/2014.

A. Schmitt:
"Sound modes and the two-stream instability in relativistic superfluids";
Vortrag: Strong and electroweak matter 2014, Lausanne; 07/2014.

A. Schmitt:
"Stressed Cooper pairing in dense quark matter";
Vortrag: New Frontiers in QCD 2010, Kyoto (Japan) (eingeladen); 18.01.2010 - 19.03.2010.

A. Schmitt:
"Strongly interacting matter in a magnetic field";
Vortrag: Graduate Days Graz, Graz (eingeladen); 26.04.2012 - 27.04.2012.

A. Schmitt:
"Superfluid components in color-flavor locked quark matter";
Vortrag: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2012, Swansea, UK; 10.07.2012 - 13.07.2012.

A. Schmitt, A. Haber:
"Instabilities in Relativistic Two-Component Superfluids";
Vortrag: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der ÖPG und der SPG, Wien; 01.09.2015 - 04.09.2015.

A. Schmitt, A. Haber:
"Instabilities in Relativistic Two-Component Superfluids";
Poster: NewCompStar Summer School "Dense matter in compact stars", Bukarest; 21.09.2015 - 25.09.2015.

S. Stetina, A. Schmitt, M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu:
"From field theory to superfluid hydrodynamics of dense quark matter";
Vortrag: Excited QCD 2013, Bjelasnica Mountain, Sarajevo (Bosnia) (eingeladen); 03.02.2013 - 09.02.2013.

S. Stetina, A. Schmitt, M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu:
"Superfluidity in dense quark matter";
Vortrag: II Postgraduate Meeting On Theoretical Physics, Madrid, Spain; 09.10.2013 - 11.10.2013.


A. Schmitt:
"Color Superconductivity in Cold and Dense Quark Matter";
Fakultät für Physik, TU Wien, 2010.

Dissertationen (eigene und begutachtete)

F. Preis:
"Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Strong Magnetic Fields: A field theoretical and a holographic perspective";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, J. Erdmenger; Institut für Theoretische Physik, 2014; Rigorosum: 29.01.2014.

S. Stetina:
"From field theory to the hydrodynamics of relativistic superfluids";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): A. Schmitt, K. Landsteiner; E136, 2014; Rigorosum: 16.09.2014.

Diplom- und Master-Arbeiten (eigene und betreute)

A. Haber:
"Magnetisierte Kernmaterie";
Betreuer/in(nen): A. Schmitt; E136, 2015; Abschlussprüfung: 14.01.2015.

D. Mueller:
"Suprafluessige Dichte in einer relativistischen fermionischen Suprafluessigkeit";
Betreuer/in(nen): A. Schmitt; E136, 2014; Abschlussprüfung: 24.10.2014.