
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

N. Pugno, H. Troger, A. Steindl, M. Schwarzbart:
"On the Stability of the Track of the Space Elevator";
Talk: 57th International Astronautical Congress, Valencia; 2006-10-02 - 2006-10-06; in: "57th International Astronautical Congress", International Astronautical F. (ed.); (2006).

English abstract:
A string moving with geostationary angular velocity in its radial relative equilibrium configuration around
the Earth, reaching from the surface of the Earth far beyond the geostationary height, could be used as track
for an Earth to space elevator. This is an old dream of mankind, originating about 100 years ago in Russia.
Besides the question of feasibility from a technological point of view also the question concerning the stability
of such a configuration has not yet been completely solved. Under the assumption that a proper material
(defective carbon nanotubes) is available, making the connection possible technologically, we address the
question of stability of the radial relative equilibrium of a tapered string on a circular geosynchronous orbit
around the Earth, reaching from the surface of the Earth far beyond the geostationary height.

Sky Tower, Energy Momentum Map, carbon nanotubes, orbital stability

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.