
Teilnahmen an Ausstellungen ohne Katalog:

B. Holub:
"The Blue Frog Society | A Habitat Without Territory";
Einzelschau; veranstaltet von: Czech Center, Kurator: J. Andel; New York, 22.03.2011 - 10.06.2011.

Kurzfassung deutsch:
Installation für "Windows on Madison", der permanent Czech Mission to the UN in New York: in diesem Gebäude war bis zur Renovierung der Bohemian National Hall auch das Czech Center untergebracht. Die Blue Frog Society fordert ein "habitat without territory"

Kurzfassung englisch:
The Blue Frog Society claims a new habitat, "a habitat without
territory," not just as an idea, but as a messenger of a new future.
By way of an imaginary new species, Holub́s project addresses the
issues of territory and habitat that go to the very foundation of
the dominant socio-economic system, invoking the tradition that
started with Hans Haacke's Shapolsky et al. Manhattan Real Estate
Holdings, A Real Time Social System, as of May 1, 1971, which still
haunts the Guggenheim Museum located a few blocks from the Window
on Madison.
Holub́s project takes a different direction by raising the question
of habitat in relation to our values, and thus foregrounding the
interconnectedness of nature, culture and economy and our vital
investment in it.

Habitat, Czech Center, New Commons, future, society

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