
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden:

M. Cagnazzo, S. Dal Cin, H. Herzog, M. Villa, H. Böck:
"Transmutation rates determination for the study of nuclear fuel composition under irradiation";
in: "Proceedings of the European Research Reactor Conference 2018", European Nuclear Society (Hrg.); herausgegeben von: European Nuclear Society; European Nuclear Society, Brussels, Belgium, 2018, Paper-Nr. 45, 7 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The prediction of the time evolution of the nuclear fuel composition is one of the key issues concerning the design and operation of nuclear plants. With this target in mind, a methodology, based on Monte Carlo codes calculations validated by direct measurements, was developed to estimate the transmutation rates of nuclides relevant for the study and analysis of nuclear fuel composition under irradiation, focusing on major and minor actinides build-up and burn-up and on fission product production and depletion.
Material targets containing the nuclides relevant for the study and analysis of nuclear fuel composition were irradiated in a well characterized irradiation position of the TRIGA Mark II reactor of Vienna Atominstitut in order to detect the transmutation rates (production & depletion) by means of gamma-ray spectrometry technique.
The experiment was then simulated using the Serpent-2 reactor model recently developed and validated as presented at the RRFM 2017 conference. Calculated and experimental results were then compared to verify the capability of Serpent-2 reactor model to predict changes in the composition of nuclear fuel under irradiation and are reported in this paper.

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