

I. Gebeshuber, F. Zischka, H. Kratochvil, A. Noll, R. Gordon, T. Harbich:
"Diatom Triboacoustics";
in: "Diatom Gliding Motility", herausgegeben von: Herausgeber: S.A. Cohn, K.M. Manoylov, R. Gordon; Wiley Scrivener Publishing, Hoboken/USA, 2021, ISBN: 978-1119-526353, S. 249 - 282.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The aim of this work was to develop a method to record low-level sounds underwater in order to listen to possible sounds related to the gliding movement of raphid, motile diatoms, inspired by their jerky, high acceleration movements. Different techniques concerning the gathering and handling of diatoms and the possibilities of recording sounds related to their movement are presented. A model was created to get a rough estimation of the expansion speed of mucopolysaccharide filaments. In a series of initial experiments, a hydrophone was used to get an idea of the acoustic situation. Also, some attempts to increase the density of raphid diatoms in a given volume were made. Though with these rough measurements no sounds could be detected, alternatives and advice on how to improve the experiment for future research are provided.

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