

O. Ridzel, H. Kalbe, V. Astasauskas, P. Kuksa, A. Bellissimo, W.S.M. Werner:
"Optical constants of organic insulators in the UV range extracted from reflection electron energy loss spectra";
Surface and Interface Analysis, 2022 (2022), S. 1 - 14.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy (REELS) spectra were measured for seven
insulating organic compounds (DNA, Irganox 1010, Kapton, polyethylene [PE],
poly(methyl methacrylate) [PMMA], polystyrene [PS] and polytetrafluoroethylene
[PTFE]). Optical constants and energy band gaps were extracted from the measured
REELS spectra after elimination of multiple electron scattering via a deconvolution and
fitting the normalised single scattering energy loss spectra to Drude and Drude-Lindhard
model dielectric functions, constrained by the Kramers-Kronig sum and f-sum rules. Satisfactory
agreement is found for those optical constants for which literature data exists.
For PTFE, the observed features in the optical data correspond to its electronic structure.

electron inelastic mean free path, insulators, optical constants, organic polymers, reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy

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